Evolving the research system: Improving the visibility & value of all research contributions
We are at a pivotal point in how research is shaped and delivered. The demand for more open and collaborative ways of working encourages moves towards a more holistic research evaluation system and initiatives to create a more inclusive research culture. But how can we ensure that the aspirations of open science and more balanced research assessment are realised in practice? These are system wide issues that require a system wide approach, something which poses a number of challenges. But there are practical steps that can help, in its evolving shapes and sizes, to be more discoverable, useable and allow the contributions of all types of researchers to be recognised. This webinar will explain how the Contributor Role Taxonomy (CRediT) can play a part in shining a light on non-traditional research roles and help expand our horizons in how we understand and conceive of research of now and the future.
Liz Allen
9/21/2023 10:00:27 AM

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