Cooperation and Collaboration for Preservation in Open Science
Making (and keeping) research data accessible is essential for Open Science, but ensuring the FAIR-ness and preservation of data over time requires an ongoing collaborative effort by researchers, repositories, funders and other stakeholders in the Open Science community. In this talk, we’ll highlight a few key findings from the Digital Preservation Coalition’s ‘FAIR Forever?’ study on long term data preservation, to share some of the resources and practical ways researchers and staff can make their data more preservation-ready. *Disclaimer* The information contained in the Open Science Café webinar posted here represents the personal views and opinions of any speakers and presenters, and not necessarily those of STFC/UKRI. This content has been made available for entertainment purposes only and STFC/UKRI does not endorse nor make any representation or warranties with regard to the accuracy or completeness of the content or of any sites listed or linked to in the content. STFC/UKRI hereby disclaims any and all liability to any party for any direct, indirect, implied, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of the video content which is provided as is, and without warranties.
Amy Currie
5/6/2022 9:55:04 AM

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