Channel - Open Science Cafe
Open Science Cafe
7/22/2024 11:32:25 AM

Channel Videos

‘Credit where (data) credit’s due’ - data publishing at STFC’s CEDA Archive service
STFC’s Centre for Environmental Data Analysis (CEDA) has a record of curating and aiding use of environmental data stretching back to before 1995. Over that time there has been a continued evolution of how data are handled with respect to publications. Ensuring that researchers can gain due credit for their efforts and data output is an important aspect of services such as CEDA’s, working with publishers to ensure the evidence base remains intact and traceable. At the end of the day, it’s only FAIR* to ensure credit is given where (data) credit is due! (*FAIR: Finable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable). A copy of the slide deck and speaker notes are available on Zenodo: *Disclaimer* The information contained in the Open Science Café webinar posted here represents the personal views and opinions of any speakers and presenters, and not necessarily those of STFC/UKRI. This content has been made available for entertainment purposes only and STFC/UKRI does not endorse nor make any representation or warranties with regard to the accuracy or completeness of the content or of any sites listed or linked to in the content. STFC/UKRI hereby disclaims any and all liability to any party for any direct, indirect, implied, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of the video content which is provided as is, and without warranties.
Default Presenter
1/17/2022 3:29:47 PM

Cataloguing and Connecting Software, Projects, Test Cases and More
The CCP-WSI catalogue demonstrates how cataloguing and connecting research outputs in a specific field can provide a rich resource for its community. This talk presents a protype of the CCP-WSI Catalogue and explores what we hope to achieve with it as well as how it can be applicable to other domains.
Gemma Poulter
6/6/2024 9:00:16 AM

Cooperation and Collaboration for Preservation in Open Science
Making (and keeping) research data accessible is essential for Open Science, but ensuring the FAIR-ness and preservation of data over time requires an ongoing collaborative effort by researchers, repositories, funders and other stakeholders in the Open Science community. In this talk, we’ll highlight a few key findings from the Digital Preservation Coalition’s ‘FAIR Forever?’ study on long term data preservation, to share some of the resources and practical ways researchers and staff can make their data more preservation-ready. *Disclaimer* The information contained in the Open Science Café webinar posted here represents the personal views and opinions of any speakers and presenters, and not necessarily those of STFC/UKRI. This content has been made available for entertainment purposes only and STFC/UKRI does not endorse nor make any representation or warranties with regard to the accuracy or completeness of the content or of any sites listed or linked to in the content. STFC/UKRI hereby disclaims any and all liability to any party for any direct, indirect, implied, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of the video content which is provided as is, and without warranties.
Amy Currie
5/6/2022 9:55:04 AM

Data availability statements: the good, the bad and the ugly
Journals are increasingly asking authors to include a “data availability” or “data access” statement as a section of their article. But what are these statements used for, and by whom? Is the statement “Data is available on reasonable request” sufficient? This talk will explore the good, the bad and the downright terrible of data statements, and how authors and publishers can improve their approach.
Dr Rebecca Taylor-Grant
7/13/2023 12:13:56 PM

Data management planning: support for Whole Systems Energy Researchers
The Energy Data Centre, based in Technology department, is a capability of the UK Energy Research Centre providing a discovery service for Energy research information and is responsible for ensuring that UKERC researchers comply with UKRI’s research data management expectations. This talk will discuss the processes set up, challenges of supporting a wide range of disciplines and what has worked well.
Catherine Jones
11/25/2022 9:51:02 AM

Diamond Light Source: A move towards FAIR data
Steve will discusses how Diamond is in the process of reviewing and updating its relationship with the research data that it produces. Data will soon be made open by default, following an embargo period. However, this poses a selection of challenges; including how to make Diamond's output more useful for human and machine agents. Steve outline Diamond's aspirations for achieving this, guided by FAIR data principles.
Steve Collins
4/20/2023 2:33:40 PM

Evolving the research system: Improving the visibility & value of all research contributions
We are at a pivotal point in how research is shaped and delivered. The demand for more open and collaborative ways of working encourages moves towards a more holistic research evaluation system and initiatives to create a more inclusive research culture. But how can we ensure that the aspirations of open science and more balanced research assessment are realised in practice? These are system wide issues that require a system wide approach, something which poses a number of challenges. But there are practical steps that can help, in its evolving shapes and sizes, to be more discoverable, useable and allow the contributions of all types of researchers to be recognised. This webinar will explain how the Contributor Role Taxonomy (CRediT) can play a part in shining a light on non-traditional research roles and help expand our horizons in how we understand and conceive of research of now and the future.
Liz Allen
9/21/2023 10:00:27 AM

ExPaNDS: Bringing FAIR photon and neutron data to the European Open Science Cloud
ExPaNDS is the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Photon and Neutron Data Service. This talk looks at how the ExPaNDS project is enabling the production of FAIR and open data at national photon and neutron facilities across Europe, including here in the UK at ISIS and Diamond. We explore some of the ongoing work of the project, consider how all of this relates to the EOSC, and reflect on what this means for users and facilities as we move increasingly into a world where data resulting from publicly-funded research is seen as a valuable resource to be shared and reused. *Disclaimer* The information contained in the Open Science Café webinar posted here represents the personal views and opinions of any speakers and presenters, and not necessarily those of STFC/UKRI. This content has been made available for entertainment purposes only and STFC/UKRI does not endorse nor make any representation or warranties with regard to the accuracy or completeness of the content or of any sites listed or linked to in the content. STFC/UKRI hereby disclaims any and all liability to any party for any direct, indirect, implied, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of the video content which is provided as is, and without warranties.
Default Presenter
2/9/2022 3:30:33 PM

Exploring DORA
Professor Curry, Chair of the DORA steering committee, will discuss what DORA is doing to advance reforms in research assessment and how this work meshes with the increasing attention being paid to open research and equity. Stephen has kindly provide a PDF copy of the slides, If you would like a copy of the slides, please email:
Stephen Curry, Professor
10/20/2022 11:34:47 AM

FAIR-by-design: Enabling seamless data management planning in PaN facilities
Data Management Plans (DMPs) are now widely recognised as a valuable tool for achieving FAIR data management. This presentation provides an overview of the implementation of a common DMP knowledge model across PaN facilities, using the ESRF as a concrete example. the talk also explores strategies for enhancing the efficacy of DMPs by utilising them as a standard way of gathering information for integration into the broader research ecosystem.
Marjolaine Bodin, (ESRF)
4/18/2024 10:00:30 AM

Free and Open Source Software in a Research Context
There are strong arguments for the use and reuse of free and open source software (FOSS) in a research context. It underpins reproducibility and helps demonstrate public benefit from public investment. However there are complexities: there are many FOSS licences out there, and there is a perceived tension between FOSS and commercialisation. How can we navigate these deep waters? This talk will provide some answers.
Rowan Wilson
2/9/2023 1:37:06 PM

Handles, DOIs and ORCIDs: persistent identifiers in Open Science
Persistent identifiers (PIDs) for digital and real-world entities connected with research are well established and widely used, but how do they contribute to Open Science and what does the future hold for PIDs? *Disclaimer* The information contained in the Open Science Café webinar posted here represents the personal views and opinions of any speakers and presenters, and not necessarily those of STFC/UKRI. This content has been made available for entertainment purposes only and STFC/UKRI does not endorse nor make any representation or warranties with regard to the accuracy or completeness of the content or of any sites listed or linked to in the content. STFC/UKRI hereby disclaims any and all liability to any party for any direct, indirect, implied, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of the video content which is provided as is, and without warranties.
Simon Lambert
6/24/2022 9:07:53 AM

How Horizon Europe supports Open Access
Join Dale for a brief look at Horizon Europe’s new Open Access policy, and the support available to help beneficiaries make their work open. *Disclaimer* The information contained in the Open Science Café webinar posted here represents the personal views and opinions of any speakers and presenters, and not necessarily those of STFC/UKRI. This content has been made available for entertainment purposes only and STFC/UKRI does not endorse nor make any representation or warranties with regard to the accuracy or completeness of the content or of any sites listed or linked to in the content. STFC/UKRI hereby disclaims any and all liability to any party for any direct, indirect, implied, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of the video content which is provided as is, and without warranties.
Dale Robertson, (JISC)
11/5/2021 2:23:15 PM

Implementing the new UKRI Open Access Policy at STFC
The new UKRI Open Access Policy takes effect from 1st April 2022. This session will briefly outline the main features of the new Policy, and discuss the approaches STFC are taking in order to help our authors comply with the requirements. The talk will be given by members of the Open Science Services team (SCD).
Tracy Colborne
4/20/2022 10:01:19 AM

Introduction to Open Science Support Services
Do you work with research data? Or perhaps you publish journal articles? What to know more about Open Science and the support that is available for STFC Staff? Watch this presentation to learn about the Open Science Services group, who we are and how we can help you comply with Open Science best practice and funder policies.
Tracy Colborne
1/20/2023 10:21:04 AM

Open Access Book Publication - Finding readers in unexpected places
Default Presenter
3/21/2024 2:31:42 PM

Open Science Cafe -16th September 2021
The talk briefly outlines the concepts of Open Science and the support & guidance available to make your research Open. Watch the talk to find out more about the Open Science Services team, who we are and how we can help you.
Default Presenter
9/27/2021 9:46:31 AM

Open Science Initiatives at Wiley
A talk from Elizabeth and Tom about Open Science Initiatives at Wiley. Including, support for open publishing practices at Wiley, such as data statements and open recognition & reward. The JISC-Wiley Open Access publishing agreement, what it offers to STFC corresponding authors, and how it is developing. *Disclaimer* The information contained in the Open Science Café webinar posted here represents the personal views and opinions of any speakers and presenters, and not necessarily those of STFC/UKRI. This content has been made available for entertainment purposes only and STFC/UKRI does not endorse nor make any representation or warranties with regard to the accuracy or completeness of the content or of any sites listed or linked to in the content. STFC/UKRI hereby disclaims any and all liability to any party for any direct, indirect, implied, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of the video content which is provided as is, and without warranties.
Default Presenter
1/17/2022 3:10:28 PM

Optica Publishing Group’s Preprint Server and Author Resources
Learn about Optica Open, the new preprint server dedicated to optics and photonics, and the benefits of posting your work as a preprint. Kelly Cohen, Optica Publishing Group’s Senior Publisher, will also give an overview of their publishing program and discuss resources for authors and reviewers.
Kelly Cohen
10/19/2023 10:30:29 AM

Peer Review: an Open Research approach
This talk discusses how open peer review works with reference to the Open Research Europe publishing platform, why this model was chosen, and the benefits for authors, reviewers and readers.
Kelly Wood
9/22/2022 12:57:42 PM

Sharing research software - the whys, the wheres, the hows
Software and code plays an integral part in research, yet there is often uncertainty around what code needs sharing and when. During this webinar Hugh Shanahan, Professor of Open Science at Royal Holloway University, discusses the whys, the where's and the how's of sharing research software. The presentation for this webinar is available in Zenodo -
Hugh Shanahan
6/22/2023 11:06:54 AM

STFC NL Research Office
Default Presenter
7/22/2024 10:57:32 AM

The Turing Way: Engaging community in exchanging open and reproducible research practices
The Turing Way is a handbook to reproducible, ethical and collaborative data science and research. Supporting and involving a diverse community of contributors to make data science accessible, comprehensible and effective for everyone. The goal is to provide all the information that researchers and data scientists need at the start of their projects to ensure that their research is easy to reproduce at the end. In this talk, Malvika will introduce the project and discuss the importance of meaningful engagement with the open science community for creating culture change in research. *Disclaimer* The information contained in the Open Science Café webinar posted here represents the personal views and opinions of any speakers and presenters, and not necessarily those of STFC/UKRI. This content has been made available for entertainment purposes only and STFC/UKRI does not endorse nor make any representation or warranties with regard to the accuracy or completeness of the content or of any sites listed or linked to in the content. STFC/UKRI hereby disclaims any and all liability to any party for any direct, indirect, implied, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of the video content which is provided as is, and without warranties.
Malvika Sharan
2/22/2022 4:26:27 PM

UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science
In this Open Science Café, Professor Sarah de Rijcke speaks about the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science, which she contributed to as a member of the Open Science Advisory Committee. Sarah specialises in research evaluation studies and science policy, and conducts fundamental research into the question of how quality is achieved in science, and what role science plays and should play in the world. 
Prof Sarah de Rijcke, Professor in Science, Technology, and Innovation Studies & Scientific Director at the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) and Co-chair of the Research on Research Institute (RoRI)
11/2/2023 11:00:11 AM

What just happened? Why the problems with Open Access are my/your fault
In this webinar, Cameron addresses the questions some of you have been asking recently; which is what just happened with open access, and explaining why some of the problems we're facing now are actually of our own making. Cameron Neylon is Professor of Research Communication at Curtin University’s Centre for Culture and Technology. Over the past decade Cameron has built an international reputation as one of the leading thinkers, technologists, and strategists on open approaches in scholarly communication and research more broadly. Cameron is a highly respected Open Access activist: combining a rigorous background in empirical science with an interest in mechanisms for change across global systems for knowledge creation. Some of you may know Cameron as they also once worked as a senior scientist at ISIS! *Disclaimer* The information contained in the Open Science Café webinar posted here represents the personal views and opinions of any speakers and presenters, and not necessarily those of STFC/UKRI. This content has been made available for entertainment purposes only and STFC/UKRI does not endorse nor make any representation or warranties with regard to the accuracy or completeness of the content or of any sites listed or linked to in the content. STFC/UKRI hereby disclaims any and all liability to any party for any direct, indirect, implied, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of the video content which is provided as is, and without warranties.
Cameron Neylon
7/22/2022 1:12:15 PM

Will AI win the next Chemistry Nobel Prize?
Expert systems, knowledge bases, statistical analysis have long contributed to the advances in Chemistry. The application of Artificial Intelligence(AI) in the form of machine learning (ML) has seen a huge expansion of late. These data driven approaches potentially change the way we will approach research and teaching in Chemistry. However, this also imposes significant demands on the generation of data and infrastructure needed to respond in order to ensure that the quantities of quality information can be generated in a more automated manner and recorded in ways that enable curation, dissemination and sharing in machine readable ways. But will these AI systems lead to an increase in the type of scientific discovery resulting in AI winning a Nobel Prize?
Jeremy Frey
5/25/2023 11:32:03 AM

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